Thursday, November 18, 2010

madly deeply truly

I went KTV today to burst my lungs out. LOL. Relieved the stress, the tension, and the negativities. It really worked. It actually felt quite terrible to fall out with your loved ones over issues that could somehow be solved eventually. Like I always believe, never talk when you are angry, and never make promises when you are happy.
Angry words hurt the most and you can't take them back. Happy promises seem too good to be true and when the happiness is over, you forget all about them.

On a random note....
People like you and hate you at the same time. And you start questioning so do you like me more or do you hate me more? Haha. If you seriously like a person, aren't you suppose to like the person weaknesses and flaws as well? Sorry I am just that cynical. I watched too much fairy tales, read too many happily ever after books, I always believe one has to love you not because of how close you are to perfection, but love you for your imperfections.

Madly, deeply, truly in love, I been there done that. But it still didn't bring me to my destination. Is love supposed to be that madly deeply truly? Or is it okay to be plain and boring? Sometimes I think I am mad. I don't like people to be too nice to me and when people start losing attention on me, I COMPLAIN! HA.

I am that hard to please, that I can't even handle myself, at times. *laugh*

Going back to work soon. It's about time. Enough of lazing, sleeping and doing nothing. Though I love it. =p I guess I have been on energy saver mode for a while, it's time to regenerate, and get some cash flowing in. *grin*

Good night loves. :)

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