Tuesday, August 11, 2009


S.H.E version of Beyond's 情人. And I thought it was good!
好听好听. =)

I especially like the part when they sang "你与我之间有谁 是缘是情是童真还是意外". Lalala..Heh.

Was reading up my japanese notes and it just got a little bland and boring. And hence I decided to hook on the web to wala wala a bit before I head to bed for the night.
Haha. =p

Am blogs and facebook hopping, talking to friends, surfing some online fashion beauty forums, and eating cheese and crackers! Tell me about shedding some kilos off my body. Ha.

Bills are pilling. I don't know why. Suddenly the car feels like a burden. Hiak hiak, though I really love him. Oh well oh well, it's all about finance management isn't it? I gotta agree I am really bad at it.

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