Friday, June 19, 2009

the MRT day...

Dragged myself out of the bed at 7 in the morning, trying to keep my eyes open while brushing my teeth, put on a random dress, with minimal makeup, I left the house and headed towards the MRT station. It wasn't motivating at all, the thought of walking all the way to the station, digging out my ez-link card that was stowed in some desserted place in my room, and squeezing myself with the crowd in the train just added a big sigh to my morning. If not only for the expensive carpark fees and erp, I would have drove. More than happy to drive.

Anyway, I was at Peninsular Plaza today for some Korean self-directed courase. It was useful but I think at the end of the day, I still suck at it. Haha...

Haven't been feeling exactly very well. I thought I was feeling feverish. This word can be very sensitive now, especially with the up and rising H1N1 cases. I hope I will be strong. Heading to Abu Dhabi tomorrow, with batchgirl. Let's just pray the weather doesn't kill me.... =p


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