Thursday, November 26, 2009

Belle is weird.

Forsake the earlier sad and moody-ish post.
Was being EMO for some don't know for goodness sake what reason. Anyway, they aren't important. Hee.

I just did my nails today and they were pretty and clean all over again. =p It's a pity that they have to be painted for work. But...still happy la! *grin*

IT fair tomorrow and I am so tempted to get my G10. Maybe I will pop by. Heh..

I wonder when will I going to stop having shopping list in my agenda. The list just goes on and on and it never seems to have an end. *headache* ;p

On a random note, I look very ah lian meh? This stupid friend of mine, made this idiotic comment to me just now, "you look so ah lian, sure always kanna pick on by those top10." HAHAHA! That's so funny.

"you and some random gs"...... enough to make me ROLL MY EYES. Remark from the same friend. Diaoz...

Many people come and go in my life. Some stay. Some choose to leave, and probably some left without much notice. And all I can do, is to take things in my pride. It's such a weird feeling that I have been having for the longest time. It's like there are many people in my life. People who care for me, people who love me. And yet, at the end of the day, I still feel very much alone.

Belle is weird.

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