Sunday, April 02, 2006

Korean Dramas

They are ADDICTIVE. *i mean seriously ADDICTIVE!*

They have super DRAGGY storylines but people just LOVE watching. *non-stop*

There are bound to be a lot of CRYING scenes EVERY EPISODE!

Sometimes the GUYS CRY MORE than the girls & their tears can just flow out non-stop like nobody's business! *you know something like running tap-water?! haha.*

The guy & the girl always have to go through a lot before they can really get together & even if they really get together, one party has to contract some incurable illnesses & DIED eventually.

They have a lot of touching & FAIRYTALE sentences in which you can't find them in local dramas.

I always wish if only I am the girl. *haha.*

Some of the love stories are too FAIRYTALE to be true. *but it's really nice to be able to fantasize once in a while when you are watching this kind of dramas. hehe.*

Lastly, Korean Dramas never failed to make me TEARED.

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