Thursday, November 06, 2008


After the ultra long hours flight, I was stoning away in the crew bus, listening to my mp3, skipping songs of that particular singer, because upon hearing his voice would screw up my emotion especially after such an overnight, long hours, a380 flight. Starring out of the windows, my mind and body were tired.....

I think I sprained my neck in the crew bunk during the rest period. Yes. I know I keep getting bruises, I keep injuring myself at work and sometimes at certain don't know where and when I hurt it occasions. Belle can make you shake your head at her clumsiness, like what he used to do.

London is raining and I just woke up from my nap. I suppose it will be the usual duck rice for lunch later, and probably I will just walk around, taking some pictures, buy some usual mark and spencers grcoeries for the night, while I watch my dvd and read my book. And I must buy the raspberry granola cluster yogurt mix from the "boots pharmacy"later. I love it so much that I think I gonna buy a few to last me for the next few days. Hehehe... And I saw "ben and jerry" ice cream vending machine at the hotel lobby earlier on. You know what's on my mind? The thought of standing in front of the machine, looking, thinking and hesitating what flavour to buy makes me happy. A girl.....when she comes to her loves, she doesn't know how to say no and she doesn't know how to let go. *grin*

Pound is dropping like crazy, meaning it's a good time to shop. *hurhur...=p* Maybe I can watch a play tomorrow's night too. Lots of random ideas, but I like it, especially in a foreign land, living the way I like, doing things that i enjoy, smiling at things, people and images that make me happy. =)

离开的时候 有些话没亲口说
再多的承诺 未来也难预测
孤单的自由 没有想像中快活
我已不知所措 连回忆都心痛
能不能到梦里 被回忆带走

黄丽玲 - 离开的时候


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