Saturday, December 31, 2005

Bye-Bye 2005! Welcome 2006! =)

Today is the last day of year 2005 & tomorrow will be a brand new start for year 2006. I am looking forwards to it because a new year to me is like a new beginning. Whatever things that I had done wrong, whatever stuffs that I had regrets with, whatever unfulfilled tasks & wishes that I had in the previous year, I can just throw them aside & start my life all over again. =p

I can say 2005 is not a bad year for me but neither it is a good year for me too. There were happy & wonderful moments that I would want to keep them in my heart for as long as I can. There were also crestfallen moments that I would want to forget & erase from my memories too.

I hope 2006 is a so much better year for you & I. I hope I can achieve something in all aspects of my life. Be it love, friends, family, studies, career, passion, well-being, etc.

日子每天都要过。最重要就是要过得充实, 过得开心。有时候我也觉得自己太在乎别人怎么想了。But again, it's my life! 我应该为自己而活而不是为别人而活。人生是短暂的。年轻也只那么一次。

新的一年, 我想我会试着更相信自己,更放胆得去做自己想要做的事情。勇敢一点。想做就去做,想爱就去爱。虽然不是每一件事都一定会有结果, 但起码我也成经努力过。

人生就是要这样嘛。千万不要又带着遗憾又过一年。 Best wishes everyone! 祝大家幸福!=)

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