Friday, November 17, 2006

It's Friday!

I don't like to nightstop in Jarkata. The hotel is kind of spooky & eerie. Good thing I only stayed for a night. Thank god. =P

By the way, it has been eons since I last ate maggie mee. & I was like damn hungry last night past midnight at around 1plusam. So I cooked myself a big bowl of yummylicious maggie mee with egg! I felt so satisfied after the maggie mee supper. Wahahaha. Like after so long. *tiheheh*

& my stupid cargo bag's lock was spoilt. I had to dragged the bag with me to take cab down to Shaw Centre just now to get it repaired. It costed me $22 okay!?!? Just to change that stupid lock. (initially it was $36. flyers get discount. but so? hmmm.) & my cab fares to & fro costed me $20 total. I spent like $42 for nothing. & while waiting for the bag to get repaired, I went to shop around & I contributed to Singapore Economy again by buying fake eyelashes & a white shirt. But they aren't very expensive. So still not so bad la. Heh. (trying to console myself. pay is coming in soon! =p)

I had like 2 new york cheesecakes within these 3 days. Not that I love new york cheesecakes so much. But they gotta be eaten if they weren't given to someone esle right? I hope the 3rd one in which I'm planning to get later won't end up in my stomach again. (sometimes you do so much things but people just don't know about them. worth or not worth, i guess it doesn't matter anymore. own accord.)

Leaving for Zurich tmr's night. Will be back on Wednesday's morning. Shall go pack my stuffs now since I'm free. Bye bye!

Listen to what your heart tells you.

When I say I need you, I mean I REALLY need YOU.

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