Thursday, September 23, 2010


As the saying goes, "time, once lost, can never be regained." Opportunities, people, choices. And many often, we would still say, "if only...". That's quite a laugh isn't it? Be realistic a bit, face up to what's yours and understand that there are some things that just can never meant to be yours. Even in your dreams you dreamt it's yours, it somehow feels too superficial and too good to be true. So let's be more practical. :)

It was a hot and sunny day. I travelled a lot. To Shinjuku for lunch, Asakusa temple, Shibuya, Harajuku, back to Shinjuku. Then it was dinner and supermarketing, and late night suppering at Denny's. I was barely in the room and I can count the number of hours I get to lie down on the bed. *lol*

Right. I will be back home soon. Happy festive everyone. They don't celebrate here in Japan. I want my mooncakes! *roar* Hehe..

Take care all! =)

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