Sunday, May 14, 2006

With the girls

Met up with my girls just now except yeun. Poor girl. She is sick. It has been really long since the five of us get together. I thought today would be full attendance. But too bad. =p Don't know when can we really do that manz. Nevertheless, it was still a happy day. :)

Basically we just did all the girlie stuffs together just now. Nothing special or exceptionally interesting. I think next time we should try out something new like doing sports together? Haha. We can save $$, they are healthy & fun, & they help to keep us trim & in shape too. Haha. One stone kills so many birds. Lol.

Tired. Definitely not my photos' day.

Shall look forward to our next meeting which is don't know when. Hah. Everyone is so busy with her own stuffs & life. But that's what it means by absence makes the heart fonder. ;p


9 more days..........

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