Monday, March 23, 2009


It's nice to have people helping you to buy lashes from taipei, buy you lunch and herbal tea, and friend to meet for japanese dinner. But in return, I have orders for my seoul flight, from different people. And they are all in my shopping agenda now.*smack forehead* I hope I can get a good sleep tomorrow's night, and head out early the very next morning. For the reason we have to check out that very night and fly overnight back to singapore. But still happy, cos I will be back by 5am tentatively. So it seems like an off day! *big grin*

3 years of flying but I still get excited about my job, at times. =)

Tank's new song, 全世界都停电.

" 全世界都停了电 全世界都封了街
我所有窗子外面 被贴上黑夜
我呐喊思念 却没人听见

全世界都停了电 全世界白雪满天
才发觉在我心间 有回忆碎片
一作梦翻身 就刺痛流血
像一个句点 "


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