Monday, March 30, 2009

Task accomplished

Task accomplished. I snipped off my long hair today! It looks something like....


But of course Jessica Alba is prettier! And mine is slightly tiny winy bit longer. I still want to tie my hair for work. =) But I am happy! I can't remember the exact number of times I visit the hair salon this year till now. But you know you know, I always love to play around with my hair. Hehee..

I will be having courses at Changi for the next two days. Meaning I have to wake up early, join in the morning traffic. *whine*

Anyway, Daddy was in my room earlier on, starring at the photos on display, and then he caught me looking at him. His eyes immediately changed direction. He must be thinking. He must be wondering. I am also thinking. I am also wondering. Maybe not thinking and wondering as much as I used to be, I guess I am just plain too lazy to change new photos. Lazy to change to my new love. Haha... Yes. That must be the reason. :)


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