Wednesday, January 27, 2010

that circle

Fate that's gone, we can never have them back. Some people try so hard to find that kind of fate back, without realising it's already gone forever. Looking at some past photos, they just reminded me. I almost forgotten I was actually that happy. Like what a friend just told me. You can never be 100% happy. There's bound to be sad times. Just remember the good times, you will be a much happier person that you thought you will be. How true right? But very often, I am so forgetful. I always forget and I dwell on the sad times more. And I just have to keep remind myself to move out from that mood-stirring circle.

Tea time was at TWG cafe. It was good. Love the scones. Love the sinful desserts. Love the wide range of tea. More than you see on the SQ plane. =p

"If you claim to have feelings that you do not have, that is hypocritical. . . But if you express an act of love that is designed for the other person's benefit or pleasure, it is simple a choice." - Gary Chapman

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