Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jarkata turn

Standby called-up to do a Jarkata turn later. Gotta report at 0540. Departing at 0740 but I'll be back in SG by 1150. Good & bad la. But there goes my beauty sleep for the night since I haven't even finish doing my stuffs yet. Just painted my nails but haven't even pack my bag for later.

Sometimes I feel that I don't really have time to myself. I can't go out as & when I like just like before. I don't exercise much now. In fact, I haven't been exercising. *scream* I do feel lonely abroad when I'm like all alone in the room. I do miss people like you & you & you. & I do miss the feeling of falling in love & being in love, & you know that somewhere out there, there is this special someone of yours thinking of you.

Sometimes I just want to be myself. But I can't.

I just can't help it. I have fallen.

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