Saturday, November 13, 2010

ata seed

Do you know I actually love those traditional ata seed ice cream? It's pink in colour and it tastes just nothing but yummy!

The ice cream uncle selling my favourite ata seed ice cream along orchard road, just right outside Takashimaya.

And me, indulging in the delight. :p

Been busy running errands today. And I have to wake up in 1.5hour time. I gonna be so zombie. Nonetheless, it gonna be a great great day. Wedding is a happy occasion what.... Heh...

I better power nap. Long long day ahead. *grin*

I am beginning to believe....that's it. Karma not? Vicious cycles not? Or just complete north and south poles?

Shit, my mind isn't functioning already. I still want to believe god is kind to me. So he makes certain things happen, makes certain things not to happen, makes certain people come into my life, and kicks some people out of my league. Thank you. :)

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