Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My brother just called to say he BUANG my car! %^%^*$%#

I thought the day was bad enough to start off with a not so pleasant conversation with a friend, and then now it has to add on with the BUANGness. Like I expected it will be, the night ending off with a silent note. Just as I expected.

As much as I already lay the cards on the table, people still take you as a laughing stock. Blame on my naive thoughts. I should be smarter than that right?

I am beginning to detest whatsapp and msn at times. People always rely on that to convey messages, rather being able to talk about it. I am that guilty, at times too. When will all these stop?

I seriously need to get back to work, to stop myself from all these nonsensical thoughts.
Please pray for my xiaobai, please?

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