Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Read from a girlish forum that some people are actually posting nasty comments to other people's blogs. It's like helloooo... if you are not happy, if you don't like it, you can always to close the windows, you can always choose not to view it... why bother to make comments (i mean nasty & mean comments) when perhaps you don't even know the person? The blogs are our & we are free to write about anything we want. These people just really need to GET A LIFE! I sound pissed huh? Actually I'm not la. Hehe. Just happened to surf the girlish forum just now & I came across this topic. So ya. Thought of pointing something out. It can be quite nice to have your friends commenting on your blogs but when anonymous are making mean & nasty comments about your blogs, it is not very nice huh?!

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