Sunday, June 26, 2005


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I watched Initial D yesterday. A nice show with cute guys. *drools* =p

Have been meeting up with my girls quite often recently. Well, that's good. Heh. But I guess probably the next meeting would be at Evie's birthday party. =]

I have been walking a lot lately. *exhausted* After pilates class today, I met a friend for lunch & then we went shopping. (again!!!) Good thing I didn't really buy things today. She was the one who had added quite a few new stuffs to her shopping diary.

I think I have been spending quite a lot lately too. *guilty* I guess I have to buy less & save more. Entertainment & food sometimes can add up to quite a sum of expense. So, I'll try not to go out too often. If I can. Haha. =p

Suddenly miss the feeling of missing someone. Haven't been really missing anyone significantly. *lol* If you get what I mean. ;p

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