Thursday, April 23, 2009

2 days

2 days of recurrent training and tests, I finally got my new card to fly. Fancy doing my recurrent when my licence to fly had already expired, but luckily there were off days and I am around in town. Bumped, met and seen so many familiar faces around in the training centre. You will be amazed how people (especially those in my job) who haven't seen or met for so long, when they see one other again, they can look happy, sound excited and behave like as if they are best friends ever. Haha.. =p

Some colleagues from my recurrent class were engaging in a conversation together, talking about many of our stewards actually date or marry our japanese stewardesses, and how these japanese girls are realistic about the social world, how high maintenance and materialistic they are. Then I spotted some of them were looking at each other with the side of their eyes, looking embarrassed, and one turned to me and say, "actually we aren't talking about you, just a general statement about some of our japanese girls. i hope you don't mind." I laughed and said, "oh well, but I am not japanese nevermind all can continue. i enjoy listening." They went, "huh?" "These 2 days we thought you are the japanese in our class! you mixed or what? or korean?" I said, "I made in Singapore one lei....haha.."
It was quite funny la... Ha.

Anyway, anyone know what kind of food are good to send speed post/parcel to california? I can only think of chicken rice paste (my friend says he misses singapore chicken rice and the best I can do is to get him the chicken rice paste and he cooks himself or ask the girlfriend cooks for him. ha), bak-kwa, bak-zhang (will grown mould or not huh by the time it reaches california? lol...), what else? I have no idea already.

Till then, good night loves. =)

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